What Your School-Based Research Center Could Look Like
Sara Deveaux
Director, Henry R. Kravis ’63 Center for Excellence in Teaching, Loomis Chaffee School
Ryan Clinesmith Montalvo
Project Manager, Tang Institute
Justin Cerenzia
Executive Director of The Center for Teaching & Learning, The Episcopal Academy
Sarah Flotten
Peter Clark Center
How Daily Doses of 'Teacher Truths' Can Transform Education
Imagine if you could see into the working lives of thousands of teachers every day – what would you find? For the past 7 years, Teacher Tapp has done this through daily surveys, learning everything about teachers’ wants, needs, thoughts, and feelings. But what do teachers reveal when you look closely? And are we always ready to learn the difficult lessons? This session will uncover difficult truths and ask if America is ready to receive such answers.
Laura McInerney
Co-Founder, Teacher Tapp
Because the Research Says Soβ: How to Evaluate βResearch-Basedβ Teaching Advice
Teachers regularly receive advice that βcomes from brain research.β How can we distinguish between reliable research-based teaching advice, and the advice based on hunches and misrepresentations?
This talk offers specific, practical strategies. When teachers know the questions to ask, the web resources to check, and the research headings to explore, we can ensure that research-based advice truly deserves our trust. The result: reliable teaching guidance that fits our classroom, our curriculum, and our students.